Ji He  

Ji He

Email: jvking [at] uw [dot] edu

Ph. D.
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Washington


24-Jul-17 I have graduated and will join Citadel as a Quantitative Researcher.

About Me

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. student in Department of Electrical Engineering at University of Washington. My research mainly focuses on deep reinforcement learning for natural language applications, working with Prof. Mari Ostendorf and Dr. Xiaodong He. Previously, I got my master degrees in Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Statistics, at University of Washington. I received my bachelor's degree at Tsinghua University. Here are my linkedin, Google Scholar, and CV,

Past Experience

In the past, I've worked on both speech synthesis and speech recognition. I have a keen interest in statistics, as well as statistical learning. I also read extensively on human-computer dialog systems.